
One step at a time – by Brendon Fornwald

Recently, I surpassed the one-year milestone as an employee with Backswath Management. Personally, I can’t help but reflect, review and plan for growth in the future when it comes to my career as a Farm Management Consultant with Backswath. Change in life is...

Understanding farmland values – by Terry Betker

The illustration, taken from the recent Farmland Values Report issued by FCC, doesn’t tell us anything we don’t know in general. Farms are getting bigger. Have been for quite some time now. The Report is interesting to say the least. Trying to put perspective to...

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Register now for The Next Chapter of Your Farming Journey – November 12th and 13th 2024 in Regina, Saskatchewan
Register now for The Next Chapter of Your Farming Journey – Nov. 12th & 13th 2024 in Regina, SK