Emerging Farm Manager Peer Group

This three-year program of learning and peer support will prepare you to take the reins at your family farm.

Emerging Farm Manager

Taking over management of the family business is a milestone young farmers look forward to. Alongside the excitement of running the business, however, there can also be anxiety and pressure. We’ve got your back. Backswath Management has developed the first Emerging Farm Manager Peer Group. This well-rounded, three-year experience combines learning and peer support — structured and scheduled so that members can take part even while farming full time.

Learning to be a principal farm manager

Today, farm managers need to be far more than good producers. To make sound decisions and farm profitably, they need to understand all aspects of their business. Members of Backswath’s Emerging Farm Manager Peer Group will learn the skills that define a modern farm manager: finance, strategy, human resources, operations, technology and more. As your knowledge and understanding grows, so will your confidence.

Sharing the journey with people like you

Like you, your fellow Peer Group members are excited and challenged by the prospect of taking over the family farm. Together, you will set personal and business goals, and work together to achieve them. The Peer Group structure demands openness, accountability and strong participation from each and every member. Having managed and facilitated farmer Peer Groups for many years, we can confidently say:  the rewards for Peer Group members are powerful, deep and lasting. By participating in Backswath’s Emerging Farm Manager Peer Group, you will be better prepared to manage your farm successfully. Not only that, you’ll have a tight network of fellow farm managers with the skills and desire to support each other in the future.

Year 1

Financial Management

  • How strategy and financial management work together.
  • Determine Member’s existing knowledge of Financial Management.
  • Capital, investment, financing
  • Complete Financial SWOT and 3 Key Alignments Exercises
  • Financial Statements and Ratio Analysis
  • Record Keeping and Why

Human Resources

  • Management Family vs. Non-Family
  • Conflict management, disciplinary procedures, and best practices
Strategic Planning
  • Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
  • Internal and External Analysis
  • Developing a Mission Statement
  • Values

Year 2

Financial Management

  • Forecasts and projections and targets review
  • Capital Budgets
  • Debt restructuring

  Trending Topics

  • Drivers for change (climate, farm size and land cost, labour shortages, technology, debt)

Human Resources

  • Training and skillset development
  • Training Implementation Plans
  • Compensation

Operations and Technology

  • Cost of Production

Year 3

Financial Management

  • Reporting

Trending Topics

  • Drivers for change (climate, farm size and land cost, labour shortages, technology, debt)

Human Resources

  • Meeting Structure and Cadence
  • Succeeding Generation

Strategic Planning

  • Developing a Vision Statement
  • Strategic Goals
  • Implementation Plans

Operations and Technology

  • Member driven topic discussion including use of data and technology in business management.
Contact us  to learn more about the Emerging Farm Manager Peer Groups for which Backswath is currently recruiting.

Let us help you take your operation to a higher level.

Register now for The Next Chapter of Your Farming Journey – November 12th and 13th 2024 in Regina, Saskatchewan
Register now for The Next Chapter of Your Farming Journey – Nov. 12th & 13th 2024 in Regina, SK