Does Green Mean Go? – by Terry Betker
I have the most enjoyable privilege to drive my young granddaughter around Winnipeg, where she and I live. Like every youngster her age, she’s super observant of things and not shy in telling me what to do and where to turn to get to our destination. She’ll tell me...
Making more money doesn’t always fix financial problems – by Terry Betker
There are a couple of principles that apply to many situations on farms. The first is that you can’t borrow yourself out of a problem and can’t borrow yourself to profitability. The second being that focusing on driving revenue growth alone, without attending to...
Crop price cycles have a habit of repeating themselves – by Terry Betker
My sister sent me a few things recently. She was going through some stuff and figured I would appreciate the “treasures” she had found more than she did. Is that recycling? Perhaps. Anyway, one thing she sent me was a copy she had of the Souris Plaindealer, the...
Are you a duck or a goose when deciding how to lead? – by Terry Betker
I have fond memories of the tame ducks my mother had on the farm. It was entertaining to watch them waddle, as only ducks can do, down to the dugout in the morning. Then there’s the wonderment of geese flying in formation as they migrate seasonally. Prairie skies...
Asking ‘what if’ is a valuable farm management process – by Terry Betker
Do you find yourself daydreaming sometimes? I do. I spend quite a bit of time driving, which provides opportunities for scheming and dreaming. When I was farming and tired of listening to the radio, what else was there to do but think and plan and dream? I don’t...