There are a couple of principles that apply to many situations on farms. The first is that you can’t borrow yourself out of a problem and can’t borrow yourself to profitability. The second being that focusing on driving revenue growth alone, without attending to all...
My sister sent me a few things recently. She was going through some stuff and figured I would appreciate the “treasures” she had found more than she did. Is that recycling? Perhaps. Anyway, one thing she sent me was a copy she had of the Souris Plaindealer, the local...
Do you find yourself daydreaming sometimes? I do. I spend quite a bit of time driving, which provides opportunities for scheming and dreaming. When I was farming and tired of listening to the radio, what else was there to do but think and plan and dream? I don’t buy...
The illustration, taken from the recent Farmland Values Report issued by FCC, doesn’t tell us anything we don’t know in general. Farms are getting bigger. Have been for quite some time now. The Report is interesting to say the least. Trying to put perspective to...
Example What does managing for financial success mean to you? Is it simply a function of more and more money? If that resonates for you, and you own farmland in Western Canada, your “success” — your wealth — will have increased substantially over the past 10 years as...
I recently attended a conference in Manitoba. One of the speakers addressed alarming changes in crop costs and expenses over the past eight years and included a projection for 2023. While these vary from region to region the trend is similar. Costs are up and prices...